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Carolina de Lucas Valladares o Erasmus + w Szczecinie 18.02.2016 17:28


the best decision that I could choose in life was going to Szczecin for Erasmus. At first I was a little bit undecided but I think that everybody who finally came passed that step. Don’t think, just say yes. I couldn’t be more thankful to everybody: teachers, all the friends I made, all the people I knew and all the people who helped me… I was studying in Food and fisheries faculty and it was simply perfect; the lessons were amazing with lots of practices, and doing it in English was great for me!

It was the most enriching experience in my whole life, I was learning all the time; I’m not only talking about lessons, I mean I was learning about people, about cultures, languages, about some countries around the world… And helped me to clarify my mind and change my point of view in some aspects in life. I traveled, I discovered, I learned. I really recommend this to all of you won’t get indifferent!

Carolina de Lucas Valladares